Water Quality Monitoring

As well as examining the state of your systems, we offer a range of services to assess and improve the quality of the water itself. Testing water allows you to measure the bacterial risk to your premises and team. Services include temperature assessments, sampling and testing. We do this on a regular basis. Depending on your business that may mean monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annually. We thoroughly recommend water monitoring to both hot and cold systems, to make sure you comply with regulations at all time.

Sampling may include:

  • Total Viable Count (TVC) sampling
  • Coliform sampling
  • Escherichia coli (e-coli) testing
  • Legionella pneumophila (all species) sampling
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa

All of our laboratory analysis is undertaken by an independent UKAS accredited or ISO 9002 Quality Assured analyst. Any positive results are reported immediately. We can then give you recommendations to control the problem.

Science equipment that can be used to test water sample

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