Water Monitoring
We offer regular monitoring and sampling as required under L8 ACOP and HSG 274 and work in line with the legislative requirements for Hot and Cold Water Systems.
The monitoring provided is tailored to the customer’s systems as highlighted in the Legionella Risk Assessment. We will work with you on a monthly, quarterly, six-monthly or annual basis to ensure a watching brief is kept of the systems and make recommendations as and when changes occur.
The regular monitoring of water quality in both domestic Hot and Cold Water Systems is essential to ensure that the level of any contaminants remains below the maximum acceptable levels recommended.
Want us to complete the monitoring for you? no problem, let us take care of what we do best, leaving you the time to concentrate on what you do best. Click for a no obligation quotation.
Water Sampling and Testing
Our Engineers will take samples which are delivered to an independent UKAS accredited (ISO 9002) Quality Assured Laboratory. Any positive results are reported immediately with recommendations and steps to control the problem.
Water Samples can be taken for Total Viable Count (TVC), Coliforms, Escherichia coli (e-coli) Legionella Pneumophila (all species), Pseudomas Spp and P. Aeruginosa.