Water Management Review

Protect Your Business with Expert Water Management – Get a Free Review Today!

Effective water management is crucial for compliance, safety, and efficiency—yet many businesses overlook the risks. Poor water control can lead to Legionella outbreaks, waterborne diseases, and costly legal repercussions. At Irrigonics, we specialise in Legionella risk assessments, compliance monitoring, and water safety management, helping businesses like care homes, hotels, gyms, and commercial properties stay compliant and protect their people.

Not sure if your water systems are compliant? We offer a free, no-obligation water management review to assess your risks and help you stay ahead of compliance requirements.

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What is the average temperature of your hot water system?
Do you have a monitoring regime in place for water temperature?
What is the average temperature of your cold water system?
How often do you flush unused water outlets (e.g., taps, showers)?
Are there sections of the water system that are rarely used (e.g., dead legs, unused pipes)?
How often are showerheads and taps cleaned and descaled?
How often do you test the water for Legionella bacteria?
How many occupiers in the facility are considered at higher risk for Legionnaires’ disease (e.g., elderly, immunocompromised)
Do you have a regular, documented Legionella Risk Management in place?
Was your Legionella Risk Assessment completed in
Disclaimer: The review provided is based on the answers provided above. The free review is for informative use only. For a full detailed review of your Legionella Control Works contact us on 0333 0386286.